Amphibians of Fazenda Bom Pastor
Within the Neotropics, Brazil harbours with more than 1100 the largest number of described amphibian species. 625 amphibian species from 18 families are found in the Atlantic Forest, of which around 70% are endemic to the biome. However, the total number of species is still much higher, as new species are constantly being discovered. This species diversity is probably caused by the heterogeneity of the habitats and the diversity of microhabitats in this biome. Amphibians are the most endangered group of animals on earth. According to recent estimates, one third of all species are threatened. The major threats to amphibians are habitat loss and fragmentation, climate change, the introduction of exotic species and a globally occurring, deadly fungal disease. Brazil is not among the countries with the highest number of threatened amphibians. This is probably due to the lack of data, as 25% of all Brazilian species are listed by the IUCN as "Data Deficit". However, species conservation actions can only be initiated if sufficient data are available.Fazenda Bom Pastor provides good habitat conditions for amphibians, as you can find here several small water bodies with standing water and small streams. In general, the Fazenda Bom Pastor is rich in springs for fresh water, which makes the farm to an important source for drinking water for the surrounding farms, especially during drought periods. A comprehensive species inventory is conducted during 2023 and 2024 in collaboration with the UESC, as part of the EAI-Project. So far we have been able to photograph and identify 28 amphibian species. Whereas hyelid species (treefrogs) are the most abundant ones. One species, Allobates olfersioides, is categorized as VU by the IUCN.
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